Handling Properties

22-12-2019 - Shai Zambrovski

Must of Java application need to use with key/value pairs for persist configuration metadata, user information or any data that related to a program or application. So we need to have am intuitive way to manage key/value mechanism to:

for this, Java provides us the java.util.Properties class that manage the key/value pair as a String.

The Properties class provides us basically two methods:

So how we can persist those properties?

Using streams we can basically persist two types of properties files format; .properties and .xml files.

.properties format

Write to .properties file:

Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("courseName", "Java Fundamentals");
props.setProperty("courseLocation", "Auditorium");
try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(""))) {, "2019 courses"); // In case we don't want any comments, need to pass a null in the 2nd argument
} file:

#2019 courses
#Wed Dec 25 14:03:57 IST 2019
courseName=Java Fundamentals

Read from .properties file:

Properties props = new Properties();
try (Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(""))) {
} catch(...) {}
String name = props.getProperty("courseName"); //Java Fundamentals
String location = props.getProperty("courseLocation"); //Auditorium

.xml format

Write to .xml file:

Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("courseName", "Java Fundamentals");
props.setProperty("courseLocation", "Auditorium");
try (OutputStream os = Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get("courses.xml"))) {
    props.storeToXML(os, "2019 courses"); // In case we don't want any comments, need to pass a null in the 2nd argument

courses.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
    <comment>2019 courses</comment>
    <entry key="courseLocation">Auditorium</entry>
    <entry key="courseName">Java Fundamentals</entry>

Read from .xml file:

Properties props = new Properties();
try (InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("courses.xml"))) {
} catch (...) {}
String name = props.getProperty("courseName"); //Java Fundamentals
String location = props.getProperty("courseLocation"); //Auditorium

Default Properties mechanism

In some cases and scenarios we want to have a default values to provide an abstraction for some configurations.

To achieve such feature, we can pass to the Properties constructor a Properties instance that will supply a default values for a keys that doesn’t exists in the current Properties instance.

Properties defaultProps = new Properties();
defaultProps.setProperty("courseLocation", "classroom A33");
Properties configuration = new Properties(defaultProps);
String location = configuration.getProperty("courseLocation"); // "classroom A33"
configuration.setProperty("courseLocation", "Auditorium"); // Override default value
location = configuration.getProperty("courseLocation"); // "Auditorium"